The Steps Involved in Processing Palm Oil
The Steps Involved in Processing Palm Oil
There are five major steps when processing the palm fruit bunch to its final product – the palm oil. These steps are listed below accordingly
- Weighing and Offloading from trucks: The act of weighing is very crucial to the operation for easy calculation of the amount you are producing and calculation of the cost from sellers. Offloading from trucks has to be done carefully because it may affect the overall quality of the product. If it is handled carelessly the acid content may rise and offset the taste and increase the processing hurdles as the acid content has to be reduced to a certain minimum.
- Threshing: This is the process where the fruit are cut off to separate them from their bunch. They are subjected to high temperature boiling in water to loosen the fruits in a process known as sterilization by pressurized cooking.
- Pressing/Extracting the Palm Oil: This is the peak of the processes involved in the processing of the palm oil, where the oil is being extracted from the fruit bunch.
- Filtering of the palm oil: The oil at this stage will contain unwanted remains of the fruit shells and water and some other dirt. So it is purified at this stage.
- Storage of the palm oil: After the whole work is done, they are stored in gallons or barrels, to be transported later to the market or for buying customers to come and pick up, as palm oil is often sold on-demand. Huatai palm oil machine supplier, your best choice, we can supply different capacity palm oil press, palm kernel oil press, palm oil processing, any need please email to