Top Rated Palm Oil Processing Machine Manufacturer.

Palm Oil Fractionation Section

palm oil pressing equipment

Palm Oil Fractionation Section

Palm Oil Fractionation Process Description
Dry Fractionation is a process to separate vegetable oils such as palm oil into two fractions, Olein and Stearin, by the crystallization properties of the oils. A typical dry fractionation plant consists of Crystallization Section and Filtration Section.

Crystallization Section
Preheated RBD palm oil is fed into the Henan Huatai crystallizers and then cooled in a controlled environment to form crystals. The cooling sequence follows a defined program using PLC or programmable controllers. The slurry of crystals and oil is then pumped to the fractionation filter for separation of the solid crystals from the oil.

Palm Oil Filtration Section
In the filtration section, an automated membrane filter press is usually used for filtration of oil slurry to separate the stearin crystals from the liquid olein. Stearin is retained as filter cake while olein passes through the filter as filtrate. Olein yield is maximized by squeezing the stearin cake through inflation of the membrane with air or liquid.

Henan Huatai machinery is able to provide specific palm oil fractionation process solution meeting customers’ needs. interested in palm oil fractionation plant, welcome to visit our factory, email to

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